There are a number of ways you can make reading fun for children. You can change your reading location to match the book, e.g., reading Halloween books in the dark with a flashlight. Wordless books, such as those by Mark Pett, can be read by young children. With older children, try creating a fun book club. Letting kids express their opinions on books helps, as does letting them read what they want (e.g., comic books, re-reading the same books). Also, let them read joke books. These are just some suggestions to make reading fun for kids.
Key Takeaways:
- Wordless books, such as those by author Mark Pett, are a good way to empower young kids.
- Ask the child for their opinion on the book, including what they would change about the story.
- If your child wants to read comic books, magazines, or the same book over and over, let them do so.
“Change where you read. When my kids and I read an Antarctic survival story (Mawson’s Will), we bundled up and read outside in the snow. Brrrrrr. Halloween books we read in the dark with a flashlight.”
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