Teach Your Children To Trust Themselves
“Self-trust is learned… and we learn it from our parents. Encourage children to make choices and try and support their choice with kind words. If a child makes a poor choice … and he/she will… be sensitive and guide the child in a positive direction, in a gentle manner.
Treating Children With Respect Models The Respect You Wish In Return
Children who feel respected by their parents learn the value of respect and return it in kind.
Maximize Their Strengths… Minimize Their Weaknesses
Are you in the habit of commenting often on the things your child does right? Parents often slip into the habit of pointing out their child’s every mistake, fear, or inadequacy. The negative focus is motivated by the parent’s desire to help and improve their child’s behaviors and skills. The result, however, is often lower self-esteem and fears of failure. Consciously reduce negative comments about their failures. Tell them that they are good at those things they do well.
Open Up Your Heart…Not Just Your Wallet
Sure the kids want you to buy them lots of stuff…those Valentine candy hearts are a big hit…but giving from the heart is the gift that builds a child’s self-esteem and promotes self-confidence …the building blocks of healthy adults.
You catch a lot more flys with honey then with vineger
Positive and complimentary remarks by parents not only builds a child’s self-esteem, it provides the child with attention that reinforces behavior parents like to see repeated. Any reinforced behavior will occur again.
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