Picture books can help children develop their emotional intelligence. One example is The Feelings Book by Todd Parr, which teaches kinds that it is okay to feel many different feelings. By the same author, The I’m Not Scared Book teaches kids it is okay to be afraid sometimes. The book I’m Silly is about a tornado that acts too silly. Ruby Finds a Worry is about a girl who encounters a yellow Worry blob. Other books about worrying include The Worry Box and Pilar’s Worries. Some great children’s books feature animals, such as Yoga Animals at the Seashore and Grumpy Monkey. Zetta Elliott’s A Place Inside of Me is about a black boy experiencing a variety of emotions. Finally, Poppy’s Best Paper teaches children about jealousy.
Key Takeaways:
- The Feelings Book is a great book that many people have read to their kids.
- Another great first time book about feelings is I’m Silly.
- I’m Not That Scared Book is another great go to for a book about feelings.
“Here you’ll find a list of the best books that will spark further conversations and continue to build their emotional literacy foundation.”
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