The inspiration for this website and its content came from my very own parenting struggles.. When I ran into a parenting or kid care dilemma, sometimes the “easy solutions” that were widely available from mainstream parenting sources were not what actually ended up working.
With my tendency to be an “over-researcher”, I’d start by texting every mom I knew looking for more answers. Then I continued my research by scrolling through hundreds of forum posts from other parents describing a specific solution that helped their child.
What I learned….other parents are a HUGE wealth of knowledge. Wouldn’t it be just great to crowd source that parenting know-how into digestible, useful content with a chart of two for any other fellow math nerds out there? That’s my plan here…fingers crossed…
I am the mom of 2 fantastic little ladies both with their own unique personalities and needs. Lady #1 (lets call her Bear) surprised (um..scared) us being born 8 weeks premature, always been a fantastic sleeper (with little help from me), and never matched any sort of milestones infant chart. Bear is 7 years old now with excellent reading skills and a whole lot of big feelings related to the impact of Covid. Lady #2 (lets call her Buggy) came out of the womb right on time and cute as a button, but oh boy…what a grouch (yep…even the nurse commented)! I knew I was in big trouble! Buggy had terrible looking eczema (like so bad, people wouldn’t smile at her in the store) and reflux issues from day 1 until over 2 years old. She is now a healthy, adorable 4 year old thriving in preschool, but still can be a grouch if she wants to be.
While I don’t claim to be the expert in anything parenting. I am a parent myself. I can list dozens of tips I learned from other parents…and not necessarily the mainstream… that ended up being the “aha” solution that helped.. I hope to pay-it-forward by crowdsourcing some of that “been there, done that” parenting magic!